We're All Caught Up! Here's What We're Doing

We're All Caught Up! Here's What We're Doing

We started this blog because we wanted to document all of the adventures we’ve got ahead of us. However, we didn’t want to ignore all of the amazing things we’ve done in the past. So Jami and I worked hard to dig deep in the memory banks and remember the highlights of all of our trips together. We’ve been to 9 countries together so far and now we’re all caught up adding them to this blog.

So what’s next? At the beginning of this year Jami and I played with the idea of going on a working holiday. This is one year in another country exploring and working. So that’s what we did. We’ve saved up this past year, sold all of our stuff, and quit our jobs to move to New Zealand for one year. But that’s not all. It’s too easy to just fly to New Zealand from Seattle. We’ve decided to take the long way around and see the world along the way. We’ll cover that in a future post.

We’ve got a lot of adventures coming up and now we’re ready to document it all on this blog for our family, our friends, and all of you.